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Jul. 11th, 2011


OMG you guys, I am so sorry. I guess I just needed a little break from the internet last week. But I am back, and I know there's a lot I need to catch up on, and some modly things I should be doing. What's new here? Do we need some fun things to get active with? <3 everyone.

Jun. 30th, 2011


Brief Hiatus

Hey guys! My cousin went into premature labor last night (she and the baby are going to be fine!) so her older daughter is with me tonight & maybe tomorrow night so that's why I've been scarce. Her grandmother will probably be coming to stay with her tomorrow night, so I should be back around. I'm SO sorry about Kurt's party!!!! KURT LOVES YOU ALL, and I will be around for playing tomorrow night & most of Saturday. Sunday night, and some of Monday too. <3


HI GUYS! Okay, so I realize that this has probably completely confused a few people (but what can I say? I RP Harry Potter too much!) so I wanted to clear up my method of madness.

When I do something weird like put Santana/Someone in the title or in the post? It's kind of my way of saying that she's sent them a private message and only they can read it. I realize that that's completely random in a Glee game but I was totally going with habit, so it's completely my fault!

I just wanted to clear that up so it was known in the future!

♥ you all!


P.S. Jess, do I not have a tag on the OOC board? I never can find it on the list so I'm assuming it doesn't exist? :3

Jun. 29th, 2011


Kurt's B-Day Party Thread

Hey all!!! The thread for Kurt's Surprise Party is up here. We decided to go ahead and get it up early since we all tend to scatter on weekends! :)

So go tag in if you can, and Blaine will drag Kurt in... fashionably on time. ;)

Jun. 28th, 2011



Kayla here with Jacob. There really isn't much to say about this kid that we all don't already know. He doesn't have some deep secret that explains his perverted ways. He's just a virgin addicted to the idea of all things hot and steamy Yowza yowza! and everyone's business. He's fascinated by the social chain and the power it has on everyone. He rides the waves of others popularity by being in the position to ruin their image through rumors that are spread like wildfire through his blog. So read it, everybody's doing it! And don't forget, you heard it first from JBI!


Hiya gang! It's Kim here bringing in my second (and likely final) character to our little posse! I'll try to keep this short, but I also want you all to know who he is since he's one of the few people in game you won't know anything about originally. So excuse me if I ramble, but at least you don't have to read his profile!

This here is Aden Bennett from Chicago, another Warbler to add to the pack, and he is a workaholic - except, you know, he's in school. He's been on the soccer team since he tried out in his Freshman year, captained the team since the beginning of his Junior year, has been an active member of the Photography Club & Yearbook team since starting at Dalton, worked as editor-in-chief of the Yearbook & Newspaper (The Guardian? I think the paper has been deemed?) his Junior year, and has now taken on the position of editor for the upcoming year. All of that added to Warbler practice, piano rehearsal, & 2 summer classes makes for a happy Aden!

He's a trained pianist with fancy finger skills (started playing when he was three) and he's known to have his camera everywhere he goes, so if you have a Warbler? It's very likely that they are used to him whipping it out and catching all of their crazy fun! They're also likely used to him carrying his soccer ball around with him and dribbling if they're outside & talking, because Aden typically has to be moving to be content. He's very pragmatic and is constantly testing the knowledge of others - including his teachers - but he honest to goodness doesn't mean to be rude, he's just my little sponge brain boy that has to know all the information he can possibly get. To counter the fact that it seems sometimes like he likes to argue, he's got a great sense of humor and a huge amount of charisma, making him almost magnetic in the personal appeal department.

Despite his headstrong demeanor and his focus on all things academic & extracurricular, his friends would know very well that he can easily be pulled off to do something fun and forget about school work, sports & editing. He gets teased (and sometimes offends people, quite frankly) with his realist point of view, but he's certainly not any sort of daft and can pick up on it quickly when he's hurt someone's feelings or made them down on themselves because he pointed out the the more practical sides of their situation. Aden always has a logical explanation for something, and as much as this can mean that he'll never let you off thinking that something's going to be easier than it will, it also means that he can find the good parts of someone's personality and struggles and help them focus on that. The sarcastic quips he often spouts out almost always revolve around comicality and are rarely ever used to dampen the mood. Other than that, he's known for almost always being able to turn a disagreement between friends around, his flirty wink at the girls, and a smile that almost makes him look like the most humble person on the planet.

He has managed to snag a job along with Blaine as a performer at Cap'n Jack's Hot Summer Nights where he does vocals and crazy jazz piano recreating Jerry Lee Lewis' "Great Balls of Fire"! He's got that, four hours of school (he's taking some science classes so that his entire summer year doesn't have to be focused around Sports Medicine and he can still take the piano & language classes he wants to do!), self induced physical training to get ready for soccer season, and hour long phone calls at times to his family in Chicago, but all the rest of his time is UP FOR GRAPS, PEOPLE.

Seriously though, don't hate me for trying to explain my complex little Warbler.

Oh, and he's straight. Because we've gotta even out the numbers with this boy school, dangitall.


Jun. 27th, 2011


New Characters

Hi everyone! We've added 3 new characters this weekend: Tina, Jacob and our first OC Aden (who also happens to be a Warbler!) Please make sure to run the Friends Button and I will update docs probably tonight. :-)

Jun. 24th, 2011



Pops and I are taking my g00b camping! I'll see you all Monday. Feel free to assume Keff pranks the football game (super glue on the flags).


Just to let everyone know. I'm going to be having a tough time getting on here in the next few days. I managed to get a virus on my laptop. (Sending this from the house computer....) So, I'll be able to post here and there, but it won't be much.

Jun. 23rd, 2011


End of June & Beginning of July Plots

Tuesday, June 21: SUMMER PARTY (Organized by Santana, held at The Quarry--see town info for more on that location); Summer Solstice Celebration at Paulie's Books & More
Wednesday, June 22: Jeff's birthday
Monday, June 27: First session for Parks & Rec day camp begins
Wednesday, June 29: Open Mike Night at The Lima Bean, 8pm
Saturday, July 2: Kurt's birthday party at The Revivial Theatre, 40's theme
Monday, July 4: Kurt's birthday, 4th of July celebration at Memorial Park (noon-midnight; fireworks, carnival, bands, etc.)
Friday July 8: SURPRISE (more info coming)

As always, if you have something to add to the schedule, just comment here and I'll add it! :-D


Clean up!

Just a messy list of all the open threads in game, for reference. It's perfectly fine if they're still being worked on, especially the "current" threads, but I think some of the older ones might be finished and just not marked complete.

Older Threads
Blaine & Quinn
Puck & Quinn
Wes makeover
Flag day
Santana & Blaine
Emma & Will
Nick Makeover
Britt & Jeff

Current Threads:
Mercedes & Kurt
Kurt & Blaine
Nick, Jeff, Brittany
Nick & Kurt
Party Email
Jeff Nick Brittany Dinner
Finn, Rachel, Blaine, Kurt

Marking threads complete once they're done is important, because a friend of mine is eventually going to create a backup for the game that will automatically check for new threads/comments and will only stop checking once the !complete tag is added to a post.

PS: Don't forget about the HILARIOUS random threads!! I needs them in my life!

Jun. 22nd, 2011



Hey guys!

Bringing in Mike Chang (my fingers always want to add an E to the end of his name, gah!)! I believe he is on the friend adder thingie, so add this user and stuff.

I also play [info]_mister_schue_ ;)


Jun. 21st, 2011


:D Scenes? I want? Please?


Note to all

So, now that Artie is finally becoming as active as Nick. (Thank god.) I seem to be misfiring a lot. So, just bear with me if you get something from one of the two characters that clearly doesn't belong to them. I seem to be catching them moments too late, so when they happen, just ignore them. I try to delete the misfire as soon as I notice. Just getting the hang of it is all...

Thanks and Sorry,

Jun. 16th, 2011


Random Pairings!

I went ahead and added Lauren and Rachel to the mix, even though they didn't "sign-up" so the only character not in the mix was Burt, and we got some REALLY interesting pairings!! These should be HILARIOUS and AWESOME, I can just tell. There's no timeline on getting these threads up, but I suggest within a week or so because I have another funtimes activity planned for the beginning of July, and with other threads that will pop up, I want these random threads to have a chance to get finished and such.

Without any further rambles, here we go! Below you'll find the character pairing, a random location, and a one word prompt all done with's list maker! YAY! One pairing is actually a 3some, because we had an odd number of participants (BUT omg it's an epic 3some...Sorry Finn). You'll notice that the locations and prompt are really random, and you don't HAVE to use them; it's just a suggestion to get started!

Rachel + Wes; Lima Memorial Park; Sunset
Kurt + Nick; Breadsticks; Club
Quinn + Mercedes; Rick's Gym; Shop
Dave + Puck; Adventure Center; Mice
Blaine + Artie; Lima Malt Shop; Tree
Sam + Jeff; Westerville Mall; Star
Brittany + Will; Sheets N Things; Meat
Lauren + Santana; Anthony's Salon; Crown
Emma + Finn + Sue; Roller Rink; Test


(if I missed anyone let me know and I'll rearrange something)

Jun. 14th, 2011


New Character!

Hi everyone! Jess here with a note that I've picked up Emma Pillsbury as my 2nd character. She doesn't have a character sheet up yet, but it'll be coming soon. Everyone should make sure to run the friends adder to get her on your f-lists. Expect emails & journal entries to do with college applications and the like, as well as random run-ins as Emma does more work to conquer her phobias and OCD this summer! :) She might, *GASP*, even attempt an outdoor picnic!



In a few other games I've been in, we had good luck with Random Threads. How it works is you comment here if you want to play, and I'll randomly pair characters together with a random prompt (pineapples! rainbows! puppies! etc.) and location and y'all make it work! It's lots of fun, and the only cheating I'd make is to pair again if the randomizer puts together two obvious characters (Blaine+Kurt for example). The object of this is to get two people who wouldn't normally have much interaction (difficult in this game but not impossible) to do a thread.

So: Comment with your character name here, and later this week I'll post the pairings & prompts.

Jun. 13th, 2011


Limited activity for a few days

I am off to my last concert of Glee Live *sadface* out in Cleveland through Wednesday. I will have internet access but honestly don't know how much I'll be around for it.

Also, this particular venture includes the Meet & Greet, so I cannot guarantee upon being in the same room as one Darren Criss that I won't be arrested and dragged off to jail. *Ahem* Here's hoping.

Either way, will be back Thursday, and probably sporadically checking in over the next two days. (Kim, if you want to get the thread up for Blaine and Santana, I'll have my phone and will jump in at every opportunity!)

*bounces off*


Activity Check

I didn't get around to doing the activity check this weekend, so lucky for everyone I'm pushing it back a week to June 19th. By then, all characters need to have at least 1 completed thread (not including journal entries, e-mails, etc.) dated June 1 - June 18. Please make sure to mark threads with the !completed tag once they're done, as this is what I'm going to be using to check activity.

ALSO I wasn't around to put up the carnival thread, so I'm going to do that today so we can still play it out if anyone wants to. :)

In regards to McKinley's finals, please refer to this schedule:

Monday: Finals for Period 1-2
Tuesday: Finals for Period 3-4
Wednesday: Finals for Period 5-6
Thursday: Finals for Period 7-8
Friday: Make-up Exams

One test will be at 9am and the other at 1pm and students have 2.5 hours to complete the final, and they can leave and come back for the afternoon final, or hang out in the library to study. Most students wouldn't have all 8 periods. Classes like gym, art, creative writing, shop, home ec, etc. don't have finals, and of course study halls wouldn't have one either.

OKAY that is enough of me being anal today. :-D


Hi everyone!! :D

Just a heads up, I leave for vacation tomorrow night for six days (Darren! Glee! Squee!!), so my replies from Wes & Finn might be non-existent since I'm not quite sure what my internet situation will be. I'm going to put Wes's shopping thread up in a bit so hopefully at least his part will be done by the time I leave tomorrow night.

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